Monday, May 24, 2010

Still Kicking... Literally

We had our regular check up today and while it wasn't quite the in-and-out that it normally is, everything was perfect. Even though I have been paranoid about gaining too much weight, the doctor assured me I was right on track. She also put my fears of delivering a giant baby to rest by confirming that he is measured exactly where he should be for his gestational age. His heart rate was strong, and minus being short of breath these days, everything is peachy keen!

We've got 66 days to go and I'm fighting the urge to panic and freak out. I know everything will be fine, and one way or another, this place will be ready for the little man's arrival.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


For the last few years I've suffered from terrible allergies. I never had them growing up, and they haven't really been consistant in my adult life. However, this year, like so many others, they have hit me hard. It's especially unpleasant, because my normal remedies (Dayquil, Sudafed, Benadryl, etc) are no-nos during pregnancy. My doctor oked me to take Claritin, but being the nervous nelly that I am, I would rather not take anything. There has been some evidence, albeit inconclusive, linking Claritin to birth defects. While the FDA seems to have deemed it safe during pregnancy, I would rather just avoid it if possible. I don't feel any need to open the door for any risk of harm to the little man if there is an alternative.

Well, yesterday at lunch one of my friends mentioned this product called the Neti Pot. I've heard it mentioned several times throughout the last few years by various people here and there. It always seemed really bizarre to me, but people swear by it. Its an all natural sinus cleanser and, like I said, it gets consistently great rating. I asked Paul to pick one up for me last night on his way home, and being the gem that he is, of course he did.

I knew it was going to be a little awkward, since it is basically sticking a mini tea pot up one nostril and letting the saline solution drain out the other nostril. Nevertheless, I was nervous that I wasn't going to do it right, so Paul came into the bathroom and "spotted" me. Sure enough, it started working. It was a little odd having water flowing from one nostril to the other, but dammned if I couldn't breathe when I was done!

Obviously, it doesn't have the lasting effect of the afore mentioned medications, but its all natural and super easy to do. The directions say you can do it as many times as you want, though I don't see myself in the bathroom at work flushing my sinuses. That may be a little too odd... even for me!

If you suffer from allergies, I highly encourage you to check out the Neti Pot. Even if you are taking cold medicine, this will supplement you routine, and after you get over the slight grossness and feakiness of it, you will be glad you did!