I admit, tt's been far to long since my last blog. However, while my life has been completely crazy and wonderful, there hasn't been that much blogworthy stuff happening. JJ is 15 weeks old now, and has been growing like a maniac. He isn't the wotld's best sleeper. He had been sleeping for 3 to 4 hours at night, but he has regressed and now is only sleeping for 2 hours at a time. its tons of fun.
He is finally out of newborn diapers, and just recently grew out of his newborn jammies. Most if his newborn clothes still fit him, and even have a little room to grow, some of the pants are getting a bit snug in the waist. On his 3 month birthday, JJ discovered he could roll over. It was pretty fantastic, and I managed to catch it on video (though the camera was the wrong direction).
I'll try and come up with some more stuff to add to this later, but for now, just know we are still here, and trying to enjoy life :)
The End of an Era?
13 years ago