Saturday, March 20, 2010

Baby Reality

So I've been really cautious to make my pregnancy "real" to the world. We posted it on facebook, and of course here, but I have been really wishy-washy about a shower, and even more so with a baby registry. Paul and I just want to have our little man in our hands before we start celebrating. Now that he's moving almost constantly, and his presence is much more noticible to the outside world (thanks to my steadily growing baby bump) I am settling down a little bit more.

In the last week or so, I've started rethinking the shower and the registry. So much so, that last night Paul and I went to Babies R' Us and started our baby registry. I must say, that while having the scanner and the store at our ready was fun, it was an exhausting and overwhelming process. I ended up coming home and going online to figure out exactly what ended up on there. We didn't do to bad, and only missed a few things, that I was easily able to add online.

I'm still not sure if I am comfortable having a party in honor of the little man before he is actually safely in our lives, but I think the registry was a good first step. I do love to open presents, which is one incentive to have a shower, but I'm just not sure if its a big enough one to outweigh my superstitions. We'll have to see how I'm feeling when the 3rd trimester rolls around next month.