Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28 Weeks

Today was my 28 week appointment. I always get a little freaked out before appointments and my mind wanders to dark places of the "what ifs." Thankfully, everything is perfect with my and the little man. His heart rate was strong and even, my blood pressure is great, measuring exactly 28 weeks. The highlight of the appointment was the glucola drink. It tastes like what I'd imagine the syrup that goes into a soda fountain is like. It's thick, sweet and pretty foul all around. They did a blood draw to test for gestational diabetes and iron deficiancy, and the results should be in later this week.

Because I'm a paranoid freak, they hooked me up to the fetal monitor for 20 minutes to do a non-stress test. The little guy was very active, and hasd a steady heart rate. I know I've said it before, but I'm starting to relax a little more - especially now that I'm officially in my third trimester and I'll now see my doctor every two weeks instead of every four.

In case you are interested, baby boy Kleinstein looks something like this at this stage:

UPDATE: All my lab tests came in and I do NOT have gestational diabetes, nor am I amemic. Woo hoo!


sedona said...

so you're saying he's picking his nose :P

glad to hear it all went well

Jackie said...

Yes, that definitely what is implied by this picture... I like to think that maybe he's trying to suck his thumb? :)