Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Starbucks

JJ has been to Starbucks many times in his life. When he was really little, we came to work with me. I have many meetings at Starbucks, and he tagged along. Today was one of those days. Since I no longer work on Thursdays, I didn't have childcare lin
es up for the little man. I had a meeting in the University Village Starbucks, and the JMan came along. He was a very good boy and sat in his high chair enjoying his fruit cup for quite some time.

When the novelty of that wore off, I decided to attempt to entice him with a "big boy drink" - steamed milk! He was really excited, but ended up getting more on his shirt than in his mouth. It was a fun experience for him and he was pretty proud of himself.

Thanks Aunt Dorothy for taking pictures of this monumental event! :)