Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Jersey

We leave today for 2 weeks on the Jersey shore with my in-laws. I think this is the longest trip we've ever taken, which will be nice for Paul. I am on vacation the whole two weeks, but I am bringing my laptop because I know I'm going to have to work at least a little bit while I'm gone. I admit that occasionally its nice to have something to do, because I often need a distraction from relaxion. Sad isn't it?

I am really looking forward to the trip. Paul's mom has a wonderful house down on Long Beach Island, which is really lovely. Her house has an awesome bayfront deck, and is right across the street from the beach. Being a Rosenthal, I much prefer to spend my time on the deck away from the sand and salty ocean water. I know I'm a giant nerd, but I just prefer to not get all sandy from laying on the beach and itchy from the ocean water.

The other wonderful thing about my summers in New Jersey is my ability to read. Anyone who knows me well knows that with the exception of Janet Evanovich's fluffy series novels, I don't really like reading. For some reason, sitting on the beach brings out a thirst for literature. It works out nicely, because my mother in-law is a retired librarian. She loves reading and always has plenty of books that I enjoy.

All in all, I'm excited for a 2 week vacation. The 6 hour plane ride? Not to much. I'll try to blog more often while I'm gone, because like I said, I will probably have lots of free time... like two weeks worth :)