Saturday, September 12, 2009

Think Happy Thoughts

FYI - a slightly depressing, relatively vague post below. Feel free to disregrd, its more cathartic for me that it will be entertaining for you.

While I'm not really at liberty to share details, yesterday was a really tough day. I have an amazing support team with Paul, my mom, my sister, rabbis and a close group of terrific friends. But sometimes, its just not enough. I really thought I had been through the ringer enough the last two year, but evidentally, the big dude upstairs isn't done testing me. I know I will survive, and likely even be a stronger person because of it. Regardles, I am just always shocked at how hard life can be. I've learned to stop asking "how bad can it be" or "whats the worst that can happen?" Because no matter what I think of, it seems to happen.

One thing that is painfully aware to me is that the human heart is a very powerful thing in so many, many, many ways. Don't take anyone or anything for granted EVER. Every minute is precious, and I will always remember that.

Sorry for the uber vague post, but perhaps to some of you, its not that vague and you may actually know what's going on. If you don't, don't worry. Just know that I love you and your friendship and love means the world to me.


♥ Ms. Rosenthal said...

Love you Quackie, so much! You are an amazing sister, wife, daughter, aunt, and person. Your post made me cry and I hope you know that even if we fight, I will always always love you and be here for you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

The Game Log said...
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The Game Log said...

gah, last one had a spelling error. anyway, if there is anything i can do just let me know. Life can be hard, but also amazing.