Sunday, July 11, 2010

Baby Shower

My sister and my cousin hosted an amazing baby shower for me today. It was possibly one of the most enjoyable days of my life, and I feel SO fortunate to have such amazing people in my life. We had 25 people at my mom's house, and thankfully, the weather cooperated. It was warm, but we were able to stay cool, and had plenty of room for activities, eating and gift opening.

I am finally feeling like I can actually go have this baby now... he has a place to sleep, a car seat, bath products, lots of receiving blankets, tons of clothes, and plenty of activities (including a swing and jumperoo!). Aside from bringing him home, we can also go out and about thanks to the diaper bag and several offers to babysit :)

Jenny took lots of fabulous pictures, and even managed to get a couple of relatively cute ones of me. Below are a few of my favorites. Make sure to click on it to see the larger version...