Friday, August 20, 2010

4 Weeks

So after 4 weeks of motherhood, I am in heaven. I could never have imagined that I would be so functional on so little sleep. I really haven't slept well in the last 3 years, which definitely helped prepare me for the all night marathon of having a newborn. Thankfully (or maybe not?) Paul sleeps like a rock. We usually start the night with JJ in his crib and me attempting to sleep in bed. He sleeps for 2-3 hours and I get up to feed him. We usually move out to the living room for some Nick at Night and quality snuggling time together. JJ will either sleep in his Pack n' Play or with me on the couch.

I am not one to toot my own horn, but I will say that I am a very compassionate and loving person. Even with that, I will say, I never knew I was capable of so much love. I have killed 4 spiders because they were in JJ's room and I was afraid they would get near him. Anyone who knows me at all, knows that I don't go near spiders. I am usually dancing on the bed waiting for Paul to remove it. Although JJ is still in preemie clothes, I do laundry every day. They are often the tiniest loads known to man, but they still get done every day. Again, I hate laundry, but somehow I stopped minding doing it.

So, with 4 weeks under his belt, little JJ is now up to 6 pounds, 6 ounces. He has officially surpassed my birth weight by an entire ounce! He is an awesome little guy and brings us so much happiness. I'll be heading back to work with JJ one day a week pretty soon, and haven't decided if I'm looking forward to it or not. Thankfully, it's only one day a week. Then I go back 4 days a week, with one day from home through November. I am looking forward to my new schedule and my new job upon my return.

Below are some pictures of the little man's first month.

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♥ Ms. Rosenthal said...

Oh man, he's so cute and little. My favorite is definitely the Popeye smiling picture. :)