Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Look Who's Talking!

It seems like all of a sudden, JJ has all kinds of words. This morning I asked him to put something back and he looked at me and said "back." Then I was eating oatmeal and he wanted a bite. I told him it was too hot and he said "hot" and then started blowing on it to cool it down. A few minutes later, I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "book." So we read some books. He grabbed a hat and said "hat" then found his sneaker and said "shoe."

He knows the sounds elephants, ducks and recently cows make. He knows the word dog, cat and duck. He says mama and occasionally says Pa, but it may not be in context to Paul.

We're seem to really be on a roll with the words. If we can only get him to say "up" instead of "down" we'd be in a really great place. I still find myself looking at him with astonishment. I can't believe this perfect little person is my child. He is an amazing boy with all kinds of personality. He cracks me up and keeps me on my toes. He really makes parenthood a fun and meaningful experience.