Recently, we became members of the greatest place on earth. No, not Disneyland. However, there have been times where it made me darn close to as happy. It's the KidsQuest Museum in Factoria Mall! JJ runs around like a crazy man and I barely EVER have to say no to him about anything! Their "Backyard" area is designed just for people his age, and its totally fantastic! Here are the highlights from a recent trip.
Last weekend, we went to Ainsley's 4th birthday party. JJ had a great time playing with toys, eating snacks and ... RIDING A PONY! He actually took two trips around the house on Biscuit, who was quite sweet and gentle with him.
JJ loves his bath time. He went through a stage of being terrified of them (which coincided with our trip to NJ this Summer) where he'd scream from the minute I put him in until the minute he was out. It passed pretty quickly, and now the boy loves being in the tub. It's not even like he spends tons of time with his toys - of which there are plenty. He'll flip through his bath books, and play with the stacking cups, but mostly he entertains himself. Last night in the tub, he decided that the bubbles looked interesting. He's taken an interest in them before - playing with them, clapping his hands while holding them, etc. Last night, he decided to taste them. We use natural bubble bath, so I wasn't too worried, and wouldn't you know it, the little bugger liked it! He looked up at me with the his bubble beard quite proud of himself.
We also started mommy and me classes at TBT last Monday. Its a lot of fun, and JJ gets to play in the playhouse at TBT which has quickly become one of his favorite pass times.
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