Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Mind of His Own

As previously mentioned, JJ has very strong opinions about what he want. He has taken to freaking out when he doesn't get his way. Yesterdhay he found a way to Houdini his was out of the strap in the shopping cart. I asked him to "please sit down." Then again, in a more assertive tone "Jeremy Jonah, sit down right this minute or you'll get hurt." Wouldn't you know it. The little bugger looked me right in the eye and said "ummm, NO." Swell. The tim of no seems to have arrived. Then, in the checkout line, he tried to push the buttons on the credit card machine. When I wouldn't let him, he push my hand and said "mad. mad. MAD." Terrific. I suppose its good that he's starting to express himself instead of just screaming... which still happens frequently.

Even more terrific than any of that, as Auntie Jenny pointed out last night, is that JJ is a MAJOR tester. He know when he shouldn't do something, but he looks as you with a coy little smile as if to say "no way you are going to stop me or yell at me with this adorable face." Guess what, buster. We are. Even if it results in this face.