Monday, September 5, 2011

Re-Inspired to Blog

Ok, so I've decided that JJ is growing up way to fast to not try to keep some form of record of his awesomeness. I'm pretty sure I can't be as on top of things as most of my blogging friends, but my goal is to post at least once a week.
Needless to say, a lot has happened since I last blogged... Seeing how my last post was about JJ rolling over from his stomach to his back. Now he runs all over the place like a maniac and has very strong opinions about what he wants. Here are a few of the highlights between rolling from front to back and running:
  1. Around 4 months, he figured out how to roll from back to front. This allowed him to roll all over the place.
  2. We went to New Jersey in December to play with all the Kleinsteins and meet JJ's cousin Norah, who was only 3 weeks old at the time.
  3. About a month after that he stopped rolling, and started scooting. It started one Sunday when I got home from Religious School. Jenny was over watching a Seahawks game with Paul. I was holding JJ and I put him on the floor. He really loves his Auntie Jenny, so much that he willed himself across the living room to her.
  4. He moved to the army crawl at about 6 months and was pretty satisfied with that mode of transportation until around 9 months. He also started pulling up on everything.
  5. In March we went on vacation to Mexico with Paul's mom. JJ had a blast swimming in the pool and playing in the sun
  6. At 9 months he started crawling "normally" and at the same time, he began "cruising" around.
  7. At 11 months he became an official walker. Fun fact: JJ walked at the same age as Aaron... to the day! Those Rosenthal walking genes must run deep :)
  8. JJ got his first pair of shoes from Nordstroms.
  9. Shortly after walking, he started sleeping through the night! It was amazing!
  10. JJ turned 1 on July 21st. We had a small celebration with just our family. JJ had a huge cupcake, which ended up all over. He got some awesome presents including a jungle gym from Mom-mom Jackie, Aunt Laura, Uncle Andrew and cousin Norah, a table a chairs from grammy and a play kitchen from Auntie Jenny and Aaron.
  11. He finally made the growth charts at his 12 month visit to see Dr. P. He was in the 3rd percentile for height! Still not on the charts for weight. Shortly after his birthday, he started wearing 9 month size clothes.
  12. We heading back to New Jersey after his birthday to spend 2 weeks at the Jersey Shore with the East Coast Kleinsteins and had a fantastic time!
  13. He's now 13 months and is a one man wrecking crew. He climbs on everything and knows exactly what he wants. He's a determined little bugger and is a firm believer in "where there's a will, there's a way". He "uses" a spoon to feed himself, loves his sippy cup and will now take a bottle of regular milk.
Below is a little compilation of the activities above. It's not complete, but will give you a little taste of everything.

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♥ Ms. Rosenthal said...

Maybe I should start blogging again. Thanks for all the mentions. :)

Jackie said...

thanks for being such a great Auntie!