Tuesday, November 18, 2008

That was easy...

Yesterday I got suckered into attending an office supply cost analysis with our new Staples account manager.  I was so bored out of my mind during this meeting, that I was contemplating faking an IT emergency to get out of it.  As I was watching this man eagerly guide us through the idiot proof ordering website, I started to really resent myself for agreeing to attend the meeting.  I finally perked up with he said "and last, but not least..." I knew he was wrapping up... thank god!  But then the most wonderful thing happened.  Out of his logo embroidered Staples briefcase came a red Staples "That was easy" button!!!  I can't remember the last time I was so excited.  Uncontrollable shrieking, some shaking and possibly even some tears.  As my friend Dorothy and I have discussed, tt's a dual purpose addition to my desk.  I use it as both an object of zen centering when I feel stressed.  Something about hearing the little man inside the button tell me that it was easy calms me down more than anything.  Also, when my coworkers are being annoying, all I have to do it push my easy button and they cringe. 

So, long story (somewhat) short,  I must say thank you to Staples... it truly was easy!